Thursday, September 4, 2008

Trig Palin

I watched part of the speech Sarah Palin made last night. I must say that I was impressed. Typically I don't get too involved in politics, and I avoid political discussions like the plague. However, when I saw the Palin family join her on stage, and saw her take her baby boy Trig (who has Down syndrome) into her arms, my eyes filled with tears. I read that the Palin's knew Trig likely had Down syndrome before he was born. Typically babies with Down syndrome who are diagnosed before they are born (9 out of 10, to be specific) are aborted. That horrifies me. Nine out of ten babies with Down syndrome who are diagnosed before they are born are aborted! It makes me sick to fathom this.

If this was the only issue on the table in the upcoming election, McCain and Palin would get my vote. Of course I will base my voting on more than this one issue - but in my opinion human life is the biggest issue of all. Not oil, not the economy, not healthcare, not education - but the sanctity of human life. McCain is not as pro-life as I would like to see - but Palin has balanced that nicely and is living out her conviction with her own child.

Yes, this is my opinion. But it's also my blog. ;)

I hope Sarah Palin will tell the world about the awful statistics against pre-born babies with Down syndrome, and other special needs. Those of you who know Kaylee understand where I am coming from. Can you imagine us taking her life because she was created with an extra chromosome?

God's word says that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made". He formed us in our Mother's womb! We are His handiwork, created for His pleasure. I shudder to think there will be people who see baby Trig Palin and think he did not deserve a chance at life. I'm sure there have been those who have thought that when they have looked at Kaylee as well. People have said as much to us in person. Really.

I'll be watching Sarah Palin closely. So far, she has my vote. And in forty or fifty years, who knows? Maybe Trig Palin will be president!!