Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cutting Costs

With prices as high as they are, I've been trying to find ways to trim our budget. I recently found recipes online for homemade laundry soap and fabric softener and I'm going to try those. It sounds like I can make my own for just a few cents a load, and the process is fairly easy. I'll let you know how that goes. I'm also baking our own bread (I have a breadmaker - don't think I've gone all Suzy Homemaker, now) but I need to find a whole-wheat recipe that is a hit with the whole family. Healthy bread is no good if nobody will eat it! My next attempt at cutting costs is to start using up some of the dried beans I have stockpiled. I've found some great-sounding recipes online that have my mouth watering.

Any suggestions, recipes or advice for trimming the budget would be greatly appreciated!

One other thing that our family is seriously praying about is possibly buying a house closer to Moorhead. Our heart's desire is to be in the country, Lord willing. Until that happens though we are in an ideal spot for our family. We have lots of room, live just off a park with a paved trail that goes right by our backyard, and we love the small town we live in. We have considered renting in Moorhead, but rents there are about double what we are paying now. Moving is not only stressful, but it is expensive as well. If it wasn't for the commute, we would not mind staying here indefinitely, or perhaps even buying a house here. I'm glad God knows the outcome of what we should do and where we should go. We'll just have to keep praying and let Him reveal His will to us. In the meantime I'm working on finally getting through those last several boxes we still have packed in the basement. I'm on an organizational streak! Let's hope it lasts!!

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