Thursday, May 7, 2009

Singin' the Blues

Hi kids. Have you ever had a day, week, month (year?!?) where you just felt blue and out of sorts? Well, I'm there. I know I seem incessantly sunshiny and all, at least my friends tell me that, but the truth is, I'm bummed.

Does it seem to you like the whole world is insane right now? Most newscasts have something depressing to ruin your day, so I've even been avoiding the news, for the most part. I can't get away from it completely, of course - I'd have to live in a cave. But the thing is, living in a cave is sounding better and better all the time.

There are moments I think to myself that we need to move to a remote area, off the grid, and start a farm where we can be totally self-sufficient. Raise or grow all our own food, put up a cabin, sew all our own clothes, just us and the critters and the land. Can you say, "Wilderness Family"? Remember that movie? I love that movie.

The thing is, that most days, I really like people. I NEED interaction with others, at least when I am well-watered and fed, and have plenty of coffee in my system. (You do not want to see me in the morning BC - before coffee.)

So, what am I trying to say? I don't know what I am trying to say. Actually I do know, but in this blog I don't reveal ALL. That is only in my other blog. Don't bother doing an internet search to find it, because the other blog only exists in my mind.

Neener, neener, neener. ;p

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