Saturday, August 2, 2008


Many years ago when I was in college I had a roommate of mine tell me that I was "presumptuous" when she was angry with me for borrowing a sweater of hers without asking. I was eighteen years old, very naive, and honestly did not know what that word meant! I must admit though, that this has been a character flaw of mine. It is very easy for me to assume that I know stuff. God has worked on me in this area of my life but something happened yesterday that reminded me I have not "arrived" and still have some work to do. Let me 'splain.

When I woke up yesterday morning I was thinking about the house we might rent in North Moorhead. Although I have not seen inside, we did peek in the windows last summer when we had first applied for the rental when it was still empty. Since I know the general lay-out of the main floor I was arranging furniture in my head, thinking about where I would put things and setting up housekeeping in my mind. Then it dawned on me: What if God does not want us to move? What if He says, "Wait." I must confess that I had already assumed what God's will was going to be for us in this situation. The "Pros" list is longer than the "Cons" list and in my tiny brain I figured that was the obvious direction God was pointing us.

So, with conviction in my heart, I confessed my assumptions to God and asked Him to truly have His will in this. Yes, I had already asked for His will - but because I assumed that we'd be renting this new place I was setting myself up for disappointment and a feeling of failure. So while I prayed I asked God to help me relax in His will and to trust that He knows what is best. Maybe, by some miracle, God has a house in the country for us to buy instead. Maybe He wants us to stay here in this little town we have fallen in love with. Maybe He wants us to be missionaries in Outer Magnolia. (No, that's not a typo. Think "Monster's Inc." ;)

"Thank You, my Beloved Heavenly Father, for once again reigning me in and picking me up when I have fallen. Help me to rest in Your will, knowing that your thoughts are higher than my thoughts. Help my actions, words and thoughts to be pleasing to Thee. Please show us which direction to take in all areas of our lives."

In Jesus' Name ~ Amen ~

1 comment:

Prairie Dwellers At Heart said...

I sure can relate to this post.
Many of times I have "assumed" and
it has not been a good thing.

God so good to give us so many blessings...

The PD's