Thursday, May 29, 2008


I have a dear friend who recently was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. She had surgery a few weeks ago and basically suffered the affects of a stroke afterwards. She is finally home, but is having trouble with her speech and has limited use of her right hand. Her and her family have been very much on my mind and in my prayers. I can only imagine her frustration and the anxiety through all of it. I do know she has trust in Christ her Saviour and that He has been with her through this trial. Please pray for her continued recovery.

I thought of my friend this morning, as I was trying to customize this blog and could not figure it out. I'll have to ask Kyle when he comes home, because this computer stuff eludes me. I was very frustrated with the whole thing - but then I realized, I have full use of my hands. It's no problem for me to talk, in fact I talk too much. I don't usually have problems walking (although now that I am 40 I have aches and pains that I never had before!) so what was I getting so frustrated for? My challenges with the computer are nothing compared to what my friend is going through. I too often "sweat the small stuff". When I see the bigger picture, when my experiences in this life expand outside my own little world, that is when I can gain perspective - but often that comes through a trial or suffering. And that is what our human nature does not like!

Now, I shall attempt again to add a video to this post, as I was trying to do this morning. Watch, and enjoy, and I hope it helps you to think outside your box, as it has helped me.

In His Care ~ Beth ~

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