Thursday, November 6, 2008


I have not wanted to post the last week or so. We've had some disappointments lately and quite frankly, I've been a little down. But sometimes it helps me to write, so, here goes...

First off, I'm disappointed in the election results. I'm concerned for our country. But I have been thinking of the song, "The Solid Rock" - "My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus' Blood and Righteousness ~ I dare not trust the sweetest 'frain, but wholly lean on Jesus' Name ~ On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand." So, if you too are tending to worry about the future, sing with me! And let's all remember to pray for our country and future new President.

Disappointment # 2 ~ Last Friday Kyle found out (somewhat by default) that a manager has been hired for the Moorhead airport. *Sigh* Oh well. We are puzzled, because they so enthusiastically interviewed him - but then never let him know either way even though he called them to inquire. It was very unprofessional of them to leave him hanging like that. They had all his contact information - phone numbers, email, snail-mail - so at the very least it would have been better to get a rejection letter. However, we prayed that God's will be done in all this and we have to trust that He, for whatever reason, did not have this in His plan for Kyle. Our oldest son, Pickles, asked us if it seemed sometimes that God was "taunting" us. I was a little surprised he asked that, but at the same time I'd rather have the kids see us go through things like this, and still rely on the Lord for the outcome. So it was a good opportunity to explain to him that we'd prayed for God's will, this must not have been within His will, and although we are disappointed it would be wrong to allow ourselves to become angry or bitter. And there is always the possibility that God was preventing us from getting into a bad situation. So, we told our son that we will "count our blessings" and thank God that Kyle has a good job right now, he's not unemployed, we have a nice home in a lovely town, and our health, and a wonderful church, lots of friends and family...the list goes on.

And this brings me to the last thing, although in the end this is not really a disappointment, but a relief. Kyle decided we should not move at this time and when he told me that, a lot of stress rolled right off me. I was dreading packing and moving and all that entails. Gas prices are down, so that has been a huge help to our budget. In the long run, it might make financial sense to live closer to where he works - but in the short run, we simply cannot afford all the expenses of moving right now. Now let's all hope and pray that gas remains below $2 a gallon, like we saw last night!!

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